Restyling is an ideal choice for jewelry that you have inherited or pieces that you no longer wear. We create a design utilizing your sentimental gems to reflect your personal style that you will love to wear.

The Final Product
Restyling is an ideal choice for jewelry that you have inherited or pieces that you no longer wear. We create a design utilizing your sentimental gems to reflect your personal style that you will love to wear.
Collect all your old jewelry you would like to utilize.
We remove all the gemstones and begin measuring them.
We lay them out on a diagram in the appropriate sequence and spacing. Each gem is measured and giving an identifying number in the layout.
A clean layout on paper.
We design your new piece using CAD (Computer Aided Design) giving us a virtual model to work with.
We then render the piece in a photo quality image in multiple perspectives to give you a visual into what the final piece will look like.
Another viewing angle in CAD.
A view from the reverse side showing additional design elements.
Hand drawn sketches of design ideas.
Organizing and laying out your gemstones.
A preliminary CAD rendering.
The full necklace rendered and ready for 3D printing.
The Final Product
The Final Product